Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Namespaces File Reference


 DVM Intermediate Graph Representation.


def IGR.getSubGraphs
 Get a list of all the non-compound subgraphs in the program. More...
def IGR.getSubGraph
 Get a subgraph by name. More...
def IGR.removeSubGraph
 Remove a subgraph from the program. More...
def IGR.createGeneralSubGraph
 Create a new subgraph. More...
def IGR.createSubGraph
 Create a subgraph and add it to the program graph. More...
def IGR.createCompoundSubGraph
 Create a subgraph for a compound node. More...
def IGR.createNode
 Create a node, add it to it's subgraph and return it. More...
def IGR.createOperationNode
 Create an operation node. More...
def IGR.createCompoundNode
 Create a Compound node. More...
def IGR.createCallNode
 Create a call node. More...
def IGR.createConstantNode
 Create a constant node. More...
Edges and Literals
def IGR.addLiteral
 Add a literal to a port. More...
def IGR.connect
 Connect 2 ports with an implicit edge. More...