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Dataflow Software Stack
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
▼NbackEnd | DISc backend Selector |
▼NDVM | DVM Backend |
▼Ndis | Dis writer |
CDIS | This class collects the necessary data to generate a DIS string |
▼Ncore | Dataflow Virtual Machine |
▼Ncontext | DVM Contexts |
CContext | DVM Context |
CContextCreator | Context creator |
▼NcontextMatcher | DVM context matcher |
CContextMatcher | DVM Context matcher |
▼Ndispatcher | DVM token dispatcher |
CTokenDispatcher | Token Dispatcher |
▼Ninstruction | DVM instruction definitions |
CConstant | Constant instruction |
CContextChange | Represents a context change in the program |
CContextRestore | Represents the restoration of context |
CDestination | An instruction that inherits from this class promises to send it's output to a destination that can be added through the addDestination method |
CDestinationList | DVM instruction that sends any token it produces to all of the memebers of it's destination list |
CDestinationMap | DVM instruction that sends output it produces to a destination based on the output port of the output |
CInstruction | General DVM instruction |
CLiteral | Instruction that accepts a literal |
COperationInstruction | An operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs |
CSink | Sink instruction |
CSplit | Split instruction |
CStopInstruction | Represents the end of the program |
CSwitch | Represents an instruction that will dynamically determine the destination of it's tokens at runtime |
▼Nmemory | DVM instruction memory |
CInstructionMemory | The Instruction memory stores all of the instructions in the program |
▼Nruntime | DVM runtime core |
CCore | Runtime core |
▼Nscheduler | DVM instruction scheduler |
CScheduler | DVM Scheduler |
▼Ntoken | DVM Tagged tokens |
CAbstractTag | Represents a tag |
CExternalTag | External Tag |
CStopTag | Stop Tag |
CTag | Standard tag |
CToken | Represents a DVM token |
▼Ntokenizer | DVM token creator |
CContextManager | Context Manager |
CSwitcher | Token Switcher |
CTokenizer | DVM Token creator |
▼NfrontEnd | DISc Frontend Selector |
▼NIF1 | DISc IF1 Parser |
▼Nenvironment | Node lookup and scoping rules |
CCompoundScope | Single part of the scope stack |
CScope | Single part of the scope stack |
▼Ntype | Type parser |
C_BasicType | Represents one of the basic IF1 types |
C_CombinedType | Wrapper around a combined type that contains multiple base types |
C_ContainerType | Wrapper around a container that contains a single base type (such as an array) |
C_FunctionType | Wrapper around a function type |
C_PointerType | Wrapper around a pointer to the first element of a combined type |
C_Type | |
C_TypePool | Store all the encountered types |
C_UnknownType | Represents any possible type |
▼NIGR | DVM Intermediate Graph Representation |
▼Nliteral | Literal definitions |
CLiteral | Literal |
▼Nnode | Node definitions |
CCallNode | Call node |
CCompoundNode | Compound node |
CConstantNode | Constant node |
CNode | Standard node |
COperationNode | Operation node |
CSubGraphEntryNode | Entry point of a subgraph |
CSubGraphExitNode | Exit point of a subgraph |
▼Nport | Port definitions |
CInputPort | Port that accepts input for a node |
COutputPort | Exit point of a node |
CPort | Abstract Port |
▼Nsubgraph | SubGraph definitions |
CSubGraph | SubGraph |