Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NbackEndDISc backend Selector
 NDVMDVM Backend
 NdisDis writer
 CDISThis class collects the necessary data to generate a DIS string
 NcoreDataflow Virtual Machine
 NcontextDVM Contexts
 CContextDVM Context
 CContextCreatorContext creator
 NcontextMatcherDVM context matcher
 CContextMatcherDVM Context matcher
 NdispatcherDVM token dispatcher
 CTokenDispatcherToken Dispatcher
 NinstructionDVM instruction definitions
 CConstantConstant instruction
 CContextChangeRepresents a context change in the program
 CContextRestoreRepresents the restoration of context
 CDestinationAn instruction that inherits from this class promises to send it's output to a destination that can be added through the addDestination method
 CDestinationListDVM instruction that sends any token it produces to all of the memebers of it's destination list
 CDestinationMapDVM instruction that sends output it produces to a destination based on the output port of the output
 CInstructionGeneral DVM instruction
 CLiteralInstruction that accepts a literal
 COperationInstructionAn operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs
 CSinkSink instruction
 CSplitSplit instruction
 CStopInstructionRepresents the end of the program
 CSwitchRepresents an instruction that will dynamically determine the destination of it's tokens at runtime
 NmemoryDVM instruction memory
 CInstructionMemoryThe Instruction memory stores all of the instructions in the program
 NruntimeDVM runtime core
 CCoreRuntime core
 NschedulerDVM instruction scheduler
 CSchedulerDVM Scheduler
 NtokenDVM Tagged tokens
 CAbstractTagRepresents a tag
 CExternalTagExternal Tag
 CStopTagStop Tag
 CTagStandard tag
 CTokenRepresents a DVM token
 NtokenizerDVM token creator
 CContextManagerContext Manager
 CSwitcherToken Switcher
 CTokenizerDVM Token creator
 NfrontEndDISc Frontend Selector
 NIF1DISc IF1 Parser
 NenvironmentNode lookup and scoping rules
 CCompoundScopeSingle part of the scope stack
 CScopeSingle part of the scope stack
 NtypeType parser
 C_BasicTypeRepresents one of the basic IF1 types
 C_CombinedTypeWrapper around a combined type that contains multiple base types
 C_ContainerTypeWrapper around a container that contains a single base type (such as an array)
 C_FunctionTypeWrapper around a function type
 C_PointerTypeWrapper around a pointer to the first element of a combined type
 C_TypePoolStore all the encountered types
 C_UnknownTypeRepresents any possible type
 NIGRDVM Intermediate Graph Representation
 NliteralLiteral definitions
 NnodeNode definitions
 CCallNodeCall node
 CCompoundNodeCompound node
 CConstantNodeConstant node
 CNodeStandard node
 COperationNodeOperation node
 CSubGraphEntryNodeEntry point of a subgraph
 CSubGraphExitNodeExit point of a subgraph
 NportPort definitions
 CInputPortPort that accepts input for a node
 COutputPortExit point of a node
 CPortAbstract Port
 NsubgraphSubGraph definitions