Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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frontEnd.IF1 Namespace Reference

DISc IF1 Parser. More...


 Compound node reference.
 Node converter.
 Parse edges and literalss.
 Node lookup and scoping rules.
 Node parser.
 IF1 operations.
 Type parser.


def skipLine
 Skip a line #. More...
def parseLine
 Parse a single if1 line. More...
def fromString
 Parse a complete IF1 string. More...


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dictionary __FUNCTIONS__
 Parser values and the function to call when they are encountered. More...

Detailed Description

DISc IF1 Parser.

Mathijs Saey

This module parses IF1 files and converts them to IGR.

Function Documentation

def frontEnd.IF1.skipLine (   str,

Skip a line #.

def frontEnd.IF1.parseLine (   line,
  ctr = "?" 

Parse a single if1 line.

lineThe string of the line to parse
ctrThe line number of the current line, used for error handling.
def frontEnd.IF1.fromString (   str)

Parse a complete IF1 string.

This function simply splits the file based on the newlines and passes each line to parseLine()

strThe string

Variable Documentation

tuple frontEnd.IF1.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dictionary frontEnd.IF1.__FUNCTIONS__
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'C' : skipLine,
3  'T' : type.parseType,
4  'E' : edge.parseEdge,
5  'L' : edge.parseLiteral,
6  'N' : graph.parseNode,
7  'G' : graph.parseGraph,
8  'X' : graph.parseGraph,
9  '{' : graph.parseCompoundStart,
10  '}' : graph.parseCompoundEnd
11 }

Parser values and the function to call when they are encountered.