Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Functions | Variables
frontEnd.IF1.compound Namespace Reference

Compound node reference. More...


def getCompound


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dictionary __COMPOUNDS__
 Various IGR compound nodes. More...

Detailed Description

Compound node reference.

This module maps the IF1 compound nodes to their IGR counterparts.

Function Documentation

def frontEnd.IF1.compound.getCompound (   label,
  ctr = "?" 

Variable Documentation

tuple frontEnd.IF1.compound.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dictionary frontEnd.IF1.compound.__COMPOUNDS__
Initial value:
1 = {
2  0 : 'forall',
3  1 : 'select',
4  2 : 'tagCase',
5  3 : 'LoopA',
6  4 : 'loopB',
7  5 : 'ifThenElse',
8  6 : 'iterate',
9  7 : 'while',
10  8 : 'repeat',
11  9 : 'seqForAll',
12  10 : 'uReduce'
13 }

Various IGR compound nodes.