Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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frontEnd Namespace Reference

DISc Frontend Selector. More...


 DISc IF1 Parser.
 DISc Sisal FrontEnd.


def setUp
 Set up the front end from the command line arguments. More...
def set
 Select a frontend to use. More...
def fromString
 Convert the given string to IGR. More...
def fromFile
 Convert the contents of a file to IGR. More...


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 frontEnd = None
 Store the currently selected front end. More...
dictionary frontEnds
 Store the file extensions and the front ends they map to. More...

Detailed Description

DISc Frontend Selector.

This module serves as an interface to any frontend that the user may choose. Any frontEnd module should define a fromString function that is reachable from it's package. (defined in the init file of this package).

Function Documentation

def frontEnd.setUp (   extension,

Set up the front end from the command line arguments.

extensionThe extension of the input file.
flagValThe value of the front end flag.
def frontEnd.set (   name)

Select a frontend to use.

nameA name that matches a package in the frontEnd package.
def frontEnd.fromString (   str)

Convert the given string to IGR.

This simply calls the same method on the selected frontend.

strThe string to convert to IGR.
def frontEnd.fromFile (   path)

Convert the contents of a file to IGR.

This simply calls fromString() on the contents of the file.

pathThe path of the file.

Variable Documentation

tuple frontEnd.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
frontEnd.frontEnd = None

Store the currently selected front end.

dictionary frontEnd.frontEnds
Initial value:
1 = {
2  '.sis' : 'Sisal',
3  '.if1' : 'IF1'
4 }

Store the file extensions and the front ends they map to.