Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Pages
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 123]
 NbackEndDISc backend Selector
 NDVMDVM Backend
 NcompoundConverterIGR compound node compiler
 NdisDis writer
 NdvmDvm interface
 NforinIGR for in structure changer
 NgraphconverterIGR graph converter
 NliteralsIGR Literal removal
 NnodeConverterIGR node converter
 NcoreDataflow Virtual Machine
 NcontextDVM Contexts
 NcontextMatcherDVM context matcher
 NdispatcherDVM token dispatcher
 NinstructionDVM instruction definitions
 NmemoryDVM instruction memory
 NruntimeDVM runtime core
 NschedulerDVM instruction scheduler
 NtokenDVM Tagged tokens
 NtokenizerDVM token creator
 NdiscDISc Main file
 NdotDot generator
 NdvmDVM Main file
 NfrontEndDISc Frontend Selector
 NIF1DISc IF1 Parser
 NcompoundCompound node reference
 NconvertNode converter
 NedgeParse edges and literalss
 NenvironmentNode lookup and scoping rules
 NgraphNode parser
 NoperationsIF1 operations
 NtypeType parser
 NSisalDISc Sisal FrontEnd
 NIGRDVM Intermediate Graph Representation
 NdotIGR dot parser
 NgraphComplete program
 NliteralLiteral definitions
 NnodeNode definitions
 NportPort definitions
 NsubgraphSubGraph definitions
 NtraverseIGR Traversals
 NlogDVM Logging Setup
 NnativesDVM Native Operations
 NreadDIS parser
 NuserUser Constants