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Dataflow Software Stack
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
▼NbackEnd | DISc backend Selector |
▼NDVM | DVM Backend |
NcompoundConverter | IGR compound node compiler |
Ndis | Dis writer |
Ndvm | Dvm interface |
Nforin | IGR for in structure changer |
NgraphConverter | |
Ngraphconverter | IGR graph converter |
Nliterals | IGR Literal removal |
NnodeConverter | IGR node converter |
▼Ncore | Dataflow Virtual Machine |
Ncontext | DVM Contexts |
NcontextMatcher | DVM context matcher |
Ndispatcher | DVM token dispatcher |
Ninstruction | DVM instruction definitions |
Nmemory | DVM instruction memory |
Nruntime | DVM runtime core |
Nscheduler | DVM instruction scheduler |
Ntoken | DVM Tagged tokens |
Ntokenizer | DVM token creator |
Ndisc | DISc Main file |
Ndot | Dot generator |
Ndvm | DVM Main file |
▼NfrontEnd | DISc Frontend Selector |
▼NIF1 | DISc IF1 Parser |
Ncompound | Compound node reference |
Nconvert | Node converter |
Nconverter | |
Nedge | Parse edges and literalss |
Nenvironment | Node lookup and scoping rules |
Ngraph | Node parser |
Noperations | IF1 operations |
Ntype | Type parser |
NSisal | DISc Sisal FrontEnd |
▼NIGR | DVM Intermediate Graph Representation |
Ndot | IGR dot parser |
Ngraph | Complete program |
Nliteral | Literal definitions |
Nnode | Node definitions |
Nport | Port definitions |
Nsubgraph | SubGraph definitions |
Ntraverse | IGR Traversals |
Nlog | DVM Logging Setup |
Nnatives | DVM Native Operations |
Nread | DIS parser |
Nuser | User Constants |