Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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log Namespace Reference

DVM Logging Setup. More...


def setup
 Set up the root logger. More...


string FORMAT_STR = "[%(levelname)5s][%(module)14s:%(lineno)3d][%(processName)3s] %(message)s"
 String for formatting log records. More...

Detailed Description

DVM Logging Setup.

DISc logging setup.

This module is responsible for the global set-up of the DVM logger, such as formatting and global filters.

This module is responsible for the global set-up of the DISc logger, such as formatting and global filters.

Function Documentation

def log.setup (   lvl)

Set up the root logger.

Variable Documentation

string log.FORMAT_STR = "[%(levelname)5s][%(module)14s:%(lineno)3d][%(processName)3s] %(message)s"

String for formatting log records.