Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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backEnd.DVM.graphConverter Namespace Reference


def convertSubGraphs
 Add the contents of a collection of subGraphs to a DIS program. More...
def convert
 Convert a collection of subGraphs to a DIS program. More...

Function Documentation

def backEnd.DVM.graphConverter.convertSubGraphs (   subGraphs,

Add the contents of a collection of subGraphs to a DIS program.

subGraphsA list of subgraphs to compile.
progThe DIS object to add the data to.
def backEnd.DVM.graphConverter.convert (   entryName = 'main')

Convert a collection of subGraphs to a DIS program.

entryNameThe name of the entry point in the program. This subgraph will be linked to the entry and exit of the DVM program.