Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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backEnd Namespace Reference

DISc backend Selector. More...


 DVM Backend.


def set
 Select a backend to use. More...
def setUp
 Set up the backend from the command line arguments. More...
def generate
 Ask the backend to Generate the output language. More...
def toFile
 Write the generated output to a file. More...


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 backEnd = None
 Store the current back end. More...
 path = None
 Path to the output file. More...

Detailed Description

DISc backend Selector.

This module serves as an interface to any backend that the user may choose.

A backend only needs to define 2 elements.

Function Documentation

def backEnd.set (   name)

Select a backend to use.

nameA name that matches a package in the backend package.
def backEnd.setUp (   fileName,

Set up the backend from the command line arguments.

fileNameThe name of the input file, without the extension.
backEndFlagThe value passed to the backend flag.
outputFlagThe value passed to the output flag.
def backEnd.generate ( )

Ask the backend to Generate the output language.

def backEnd.toFile ( )

Write the generated output to a file.

Variable Documentation

tuple backEnd.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
backEnd.backEnd = None

Store the current back end.

backEnd.path = None

Path to the output file.