Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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core.memory Namespace Reference

DVM instruction memory. More...


class  InstructionMemory
 The Instruction memory stores all of the instructions in the program. More...


def memory
 Get a reference to the instruction memory. More...
def reset
 Delete all the contents of the instruction memory. More...
def get
 Get an instruction from the main memory. More...
def add
 Add an instruction to the main memory. More...
def needsMatcher
 See if an instruction needs to pass the matcher Instructions that require a context manager are stored in a separate part of the memory, so checking the key suffices. More...


tuple __MEMORY__ = InstructionMemory(2)
 Main instance of the instruction memory. More...

Detailed Description

DVM instruction memory.

This module defines the instruction memory the instruction memory stores all the instructions in the program.

Function Documentation

def core.memory.memory ( )

Get a reference to the instruction memory.

def core.memory.reset ( )

Delete all the contents of the instruction memory.

def core.memory.get (   key)

Get an instruction from the main memory.

def core.memory.add (   inst)

Add an instruction to the main memory.

def core.memory.needsMatcher (   key)

See if an instruction needs to pass the matcher Instructions that require a context manager are stored in a separate part of the memory, so checking the key suffices.

keyThe key of the instruction
True if the instruction needs to be matched.

Variable Documentation

tuple core.memory.__MEMORY__ = InstructionMemory(2)

Main instance of the instruction memory.