Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Functions | Variables
backEnd.DVM.dvm Namespace Reference

dvm interface More...


def run
 Run DVM on a dis string, with inputs, and return the results. More...


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
string path = 'dvm'
 Default dvm path. More...
int cores = 8
 Default amount of cores to use. More...
int logLevel = 50
 Default loglevel to use. More...

Detailed Description

dvm interface

This module provides a few convenient shorthands for calling DVM.

Function Documentation

def (   dvmPath = path,
  inputs = [],
  dis = None,
  cores = cores,
  logLevel = logLevel 

Run DVM on a dis string, with inputs, and return the results.

dvmPathThe path to dvm, if dvm is not in your system PATH
inputsThe list of inputs to pass to dvm
disA string containing the dis representation of the code to execute.
coresThe amount of cores to use when running dvm.
logLevelThe loglevel to pass to DVM (useful for debugging)
The output returned by dvm, as a python object.

Variable Documentation

tuple backEnd.DVM.dvm.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
string backEnd.DVM.dvm.path = 'dvm'

Default dvm path.

int backEnd.DVM.dvm.cores = 8

Default amount of cores to use.

int backEnd.DVM.dvm.logLevel = 50

Default loglevel to use.