Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CbackEnd.DVM.dis.DISThis class collects the necessary data to generate a DIS string
 Ccore.context.ContextDVM Context
 Ccore.context.ContextCreatorContext creator
 Ccore.contextMatcher.ContextMatcherDVM Context matcher
 Ccore.dispatcher.TokenDispatcherToken Dispatcher
 Ccore.instruction.DestinationAn instruction that inherits from this class promises to send it's output to a destination that can be added through the addDestination method
 Ccore.instruction.DestinationListDVM instruction that sends any token it produces to all of the memebers of it's destination list
 Ccore.instruction.ConstantConstant instruction
 Ccore.instruction.OperationInstructionAn operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs
 Ccore.instruction.DestinationMapDVM instruction that sends output it produces to a destination based on the output port of the output
 Ccore.instruction.SinkSink instruction
 Ccore.instruction.InstructionGeneral DVM instruction
 Ccore.instruction.ConstantConstant instruction
 Ccore.instruction.ContextChangeRepresents a context change in the program
 Ccore.instruction.ContextRestoreRepresents the restoration of context
 Ccore.instruction.OperationInstructionAn operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs
 Ccore.instruction.SinkSink instruction
 Ccore.instruction.SplitSplit instruction
 Ccore.instruction.StopInstructionRepresents the end of the program
 Ccore.instruction.SwitchRepresents an instruction that will dynamically determine the destination of it's tokens at runtime
 Ccore.instruction.LiteralInstruction that accepts a literal
 Ccore.instruction.ContextChangeRepresents a context change in the program
 Ccore.instruction.OperationInstructionAn operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs
 Ccore.memory.InstructionMemoryThe Instruction memory stores all of the instructions in the program
 Ccore.runtime.CoreRuntime core
 Ccore.scheduler.SchedulerDVM Scheduler
 Ccore.token.AbstractTagRepresents a tag
 Ccore.token.StopTagStop Tag
 Ccore.token.TagStandard tag
 Ccore.token.ExternalTagExternal Tag
 Ccore.token.TokenRepresents a DVM token
 Ccore.tokenizer.ContextManagerContext Manager
 Ccore.tokenizer.SwitcherToken Switcher
 Ccore.tokenizer.TokenizerDVM Token creator
 CfrontEnd.IF1.environment.CompoundScopeSingle part of the scope stack
 CfrontEnd.IF1.environment.ScopeSingle part of the scope stack
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._BasicTypeRepresents one of the basic IF1 types
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._CombinedTypeWrapper around a combined type that contains multiple base types
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._ContainerTypeWrapper around a container that contains a single base type (such as an array)
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._FunctionTypeWrapper around a function type
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._PointerTypeWrapper around a pointer to the first element of a combined type
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._UnknownTypeRepresents any possible type
 CfrontEnd.IF1.type._TypePoolStore all the encountered types
 CIGR.node.NodeStandard node
 CIGR.node.CallNodeCall node
 CIGR.node.CompoundNodeCompound node
 CIGR.node.ConstantNodeConstant node
 CIGR.node.OperationNodeOperation node
 CIGR.node.SubGraphEntryNodeEntry point of a subgraph
 CIGR.node.SubGraphExitNodeExit point of a subgraph
 CIGR.port.PortAbstract Port
 CIGR.port.InputPortPort that accepts input for a node
 CIGR.port.OutputPortExit point of a node