Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Namespaces | Functions File Reference


 Dataflow Virtual Machine.


def core.addOperationInstruction
 Add an operation instruction. More...
def core.addConstant
 Add a constant instruction. More...
def core.addSink
 Add a sink instruction. More...
def core.addSwitch
 Create a switch instruction. More...
def core.addContextChange
 Add a context change instruction. More...
def core.addSplit
 Add a split instruction. More...
def core.addContextRestore
 Add a context restore instruction. More...
def core.addStopInstruction
 Add a stop instruction. More...
def core.addDestination
 Add a destination to a given instruction. More...
def core.addLiteral
 Add a literal to a given instruction. More...
def core.start
 Start the execution cores. More...
def core.addData
 Add an external token containing data. More...
def core.addTrivial
 Add data to the core, that immediately adds a stop token containing data. More...
def core.getPort
 Check the current port of the runtime. More...
def core.getIn
 Return the amount of input the runtime requires. More...
def core.setIn
 Set the amount of inputs that the runtime expects. More...
def core.hasIn
 See if the runtime expects additional input. More...