Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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 dot generator


def dot.generateIdentifier
 Generate a unique idea for a chunk/key pair. More...
def dot.generateInstIdentifier
 Generate a unique identifier for an instruction. More...
def dot.generateTupleIdentifier
 Generate a unique identifier for a chunk, key pair. More...
def dot.processSink
def dot.processOp
def dot.processConst
def dot.processSplit
def dot.processContChange
def dot.processContRestore
def dot.processSwitch
def dot.processStop
def dot.getAttributes
def dot.addInst
def dot.destMapLinks
def dot.destListLinks
def dot.addContextChangeLinks
def dot.addSplitLinks
def dot.addSwitchLinks
def dot.addLinks
def dot.dotHeader
def dot.dotFooter
def dot.dotString
 Generate a dot string from the instruction memory. More...
def dot.dotFile
 Write the dot string to a file. More...
 Convert the instruction memory to dot, save it and run dot on this file. More...


tuple dot.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dictionary dot.attributes