Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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class  frontEnd.IF1.environment.Scope
 Single part of the scope stack. More...
class  frontEnd.IF1.environment.CompoundScope
 Single part of the scope stack. More...


 Node lookup and scoping rules.


def frontEnd.IF1.environment.scope
 Create a new scope and push it on top of the stack. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.scopeCompound
 Create a new compound scope and push it on top of the stack. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.popScope
 Remove the current scope. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.getNode
 Get the node with label in the current scope. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.addNode
 Add node with label to the current scope. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.getSubGraph
 Get the subgraph of the current scope. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.addSubGraph
 Add a subgraph to the compound scope. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.getSubGraphs
 Get the subgraphs. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.isCompound
 Are we currently in a compound node? More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.enterComp
 Enter a compound node. More...
def frontEnd.IF1.environment.exitComp
 Exit a compound node. More...


tuple frontEnd.IF1.environment.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
list frontEnd.IF1.environment.__STACK__ = [Scope()]
 A stack with the global scope at the bottom, and the current scope at the top. More...
int frontEnd.IF1.environment.__COMP_LEVEL__ = 0
 Keeps track of the level of depth w.r.t. More...