Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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Classes | Namespaces | Variables File Reference


class  core.instruction.Instruction
 General DVM instruction. More...
class  core.instruction.Literal
 Instruction that accepts a literal. More...
class  core.instruction.Destination
 An instruction that inherits from this class promises to send it's output to a destination that can be added through the addDestination method. More...
class  core.instruction.DestinationList
 DVM instruction that sends any token it produces to all of the memebers of it's destination list. More...
class  core.instruction.DestinationMap
 DVM instruction that sends output it produces to a destination based on the output port of the output. More...
class  core.instruction.OperationInstruction
 An operation instruction defines a single operation on all of it's inputs. More...
class  core.instruction.Constant
 Constant instruction. More...
class  core.instruction.Sink
 Sink instruction. More...
class  core.instruction.ContextChange
 Represents a context change in the program. More...
class  core.instruction.ContextRestore
 Represents the restoration of context. More...
class  core.instruction.Switch
 Represents an instruction that will dynamically determine the destination of it's tokens at runtime. More...
class  core.instruction.Split
 Split instruction. More...
class  core.instruction.StopInstruction
 Represents the end of the program. More...


 DVM instruction definitions.


tuple core.instruction.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)