Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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 IGR Literal removal.


def backEnd.DVM.literals.isLit
 See if a node only contains literals. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.getInputs
 Get all the literal inputs of a node. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.createOpStr
 Create a DIS program to execute a single operation. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.createCallStr
 Create a DIS program to execute a single function call. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.transformNode
 Add the result of executing a node to all it's outputs. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.propagateLit
 Calculate the value of a literal and propagate it to the next nodes. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.checkCall
 See if a call can be reduced to a constant. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.checkNode
 See if a node can be removed, do so if possible. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.checkFunctionGraph
 See if we can remove a graph from the program. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.checkCompoundGraphs
 See if we need to convert a subgraph to a constant. More...
def backEnd.DVM.literals.removeLiterals
 Remove all operations that have predefined inputs. More...


tuple backEnd.DVM.literals.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)