Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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 DVM Native Operations.


def natives.dvm_Void
 Return the DVM void type. More...
def natives.dvm_Bool
 Create a DVM Boolean. More...
def natives.dvm_Int
 Create a DVM Integer. More...
def natives.dvm_Float
 Create a DVM Float. More...
def natives.dvm_String
 create a DVM String More...
def natives.dvm_Array
 Create a DVM Array. More...
def natives.dvm_tuple
 Create a DVM Tuple. More...
def natives.dvm_noOp
 Do nothing. More...
def natives.dvm_isVoid
 See if the element is void. More...
def natives.dvm_equals
 Check if 2 elements are equal. More...
def natives.dvm_notEqual
 Check if 2 elements are not equal. More...
def natives.dvm_and
 Logical and. More...
def natives.dvm_or
 Logical Or. More...
def natives.dvm_xor
 Logical xor. More...
def natives.dvm_not
 Negation. More...
def natives.dvm_neg
 Negation. More...
def natives.dvm_abs
 Absolute value. More...
def natives.dvm_add
 Addition. More...
def natives.dvm_sub
 Subtraction. More...
def natives.dvm_mul
 Multiplication. More...
def natives.dvm_div
 Subtraction. More...
def natives.dvm_mod
 Modulo. More...
def natives.dvm_exp
 Exponent. More...
def natives.dvm_floor
 Round down. More...
def natives.dvm_ceil
 Round up. More...
def natives.dvm_min
 Maximum. More...
def natives.dvm_max
 Minimum. More...
def natives.dvm_less
 Smaller than. More...
def natives.dvm_more
 Greater than. More...
def natives.dvm_less_eq
 Smaller or equal than. More...
def natives.dvm_more_eq
 Greatar or equal than. More...
def natives.dvm_str_contains
 See if a string contains a value. More...
def natives.dvm_str_find
 Return the idx of x in str. More...
def natives.dvm_str_upper
 Conver a string to upper case. More...
def natives.dvm_str_lower
 Conver a string to lower case. More...
def natives.dvm_str_sub
 Get a substring. More...
def natives.dvm_str_reverse
 Reverse a string. More...
def natives.dvm_str_append
 Append 2 strings. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_isEmpty
 See if an array is empty. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_length
 Get the length of an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_bound
 Get the upper bound of an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_empty
 Create an empty array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_create
 Create an array filled with an element. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_get
 Get an element from the array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_set
 Create a new array with a different element at idx. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_insert
 Insert elements into an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_replace
 Replace elements in an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_catenate
 Array concatenation. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_add_front
 Add an element to the start of an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_add_back
 Add an element to the back of an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_sub
 Get a subset of an array. More...
def natives.dvm_arr_prune
 Create an array with the value of the first array if the value of the second array is true. More...
def natives.dvm_tup_get
 Access an element of a tuple. More...
def natives.dvm_range
 Generate a range. More...


dictionary natives.operations
 Contains references to all the operations. More...