Dataflow Software Stack  032db78
Master Thesis of Mathijs Saey at the VUB
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 DIS parser.


def read.parseValue
 Parse a value string. More...
def read.extractValue
 Extract the value of a statement. More...
def read.getInstructionList
 Get a list of instruction addresses from the array, starting at idx start. More...
def read.createSink
 Create a sink. More...
def read.createConstant
 Create a constant. More...
def read.createStop
 Create a stop instruction. More...
def read.createStart
 Create a start instruction. More...
def read.createContextChange
 Create a context change instruction. More...
def read.createSplit
 Create a context map function. More...
def read.createContextRestore
 Create a context restore. More...
def read.createOperation
 Create an operation. More...
def read.createSwitch
 Create a switch instruction. More...
def read.parseInst
 Parse an instruction declaration. More...
def read.parseChunk
 Parse a chunk declaration. More...
def read.parseLit
 Parse a literal declarations. More...
def read.parseLink
 Parse a link statement. More...
def read.parseTriv
 Parse a trivial statement. More...
def read.parseLine
 Parse a single DIS line. More...
def read.parse
 Parse a dis string. More...


tuple read.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 read.chunk = None
dictionary read.instructions
 Defines the operation codes and the functions to create them. More...
dictionary read.functions
 Functions to parse the various statements. More...